Seven Models of Cloud Native Applications


In today’s cloud-driven landscape, organizations are transitioning from legacy monolithic systems to agile, scalable, and secure cloud-native solutions. Some are even forging new cloud-native applications. However, the concept of cloud-native design remains subjective, lacking a universal blueprint. This blog aims to provide clarity and guidance for designing precise cloud-native applications and container deployment. It addresses the intricacies of end-to-end cloud development, encompassing architecture, development, testing, deployment, security, and observability.

Traditionally, separate development teams handle these aspects in isolation. This blog bridges these gaps and outlines seven practical models for standardizing cloud-native architecture, drawing from real-world experience in cloud-native application design and development.

Seven Models of Cloud Native Design

Cloud-native entails developing microservices/micro-frontend apps and deploying them within containers on private, public, or hybrid cloud platforms. These platforms autonomously manage, automate, orchestrate, and secure these applications and their data. Container orchestration engines handle most cross-cutting concerns. This blog outlines key approaches to creating and deploying modern cloud-native apps, emphasizing performance optimization and cost efficiency. These apps leverage cloud-managed SaaS and automatically deploy new source code changes on cloud container platforms. We will now briefly explore these seven models and their business-value components

1.   Modern Design & Development Model

ComponentsBusiness Value/ROI
Beyond 12 factor principles It’s a set of principles widely adopted for cloud-native applications and dev teams offering usability, agility, scalability, modularity, and security. It saves operational costs and improves developer productivity. It’s a set of abstractions of cross-cutting concerns or non-functional requirements (NFR). These are 12+3 factor principles for modern cloud-native apps, where 3 important principles are recent additions. We call it beyond 12-factor principles. One codebase, one application: A single code repo for a single responsibility should exist. Every microservice should have its code repo.API first: New cloud-native app development should start from designing API first.Dependency management: Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies. All dependencies should be declared without implicit reliance on system tools or libraries.Design, build, release, and run: The delivery pipeline should strictly consist of build, release, run. Configuration, credentials, and code: Configuration that varies between deployments should be stored in the environment.Logs: Applications should produce logs as event streams and leave the execution environment to aggregate.Disposability: Fast startup and shutdown are advocated for a more robust and resilient system.Backing services: All backing services are treated as attached resources and attached and detached by the execution environment.Environment parity: All environments should be as similar as possible.Administrative processes: Any needed admin tasks should be kept in source control and packaged with the application.Port binding: Self-contained services should make themselves available to other services by specified ports.Stateless processes: Applications should be deployed as one or more stateless processes with persisted data stored on a backing service.Concurrency: Concurrency is advocated by scaling individual processes.Telemetry: Add observability and monitoring.Authentication and authorization (A&A): Provide proper IAM support for user and application to application security.
Domain Driven Design (DDD)It’s a design pattern that helps identify separate business use case domains and microservices. The best use case is to migrate legacy monolithic apps to modern micro-services and micro-frontends. Example: Catalog, order, payment services.
API DrivenIt’s a method for API design that prioritizes business logic or services ahead of development, promoting service-to-service communication via API interfaces. Cloud-native apps utilize this approach, managing API endpoints with tools like GCP Apigee, Spring Cloud Gateway, and more.
Microservices Design It’s a set of principles widely adopted for cloud-native applications and dev teams offering usability, agility, scalability, modularity, and security. It saves operational costs and improves developer productivity. It’s a set of abstractions of cross-cutting concerns or non-functional requirements (NFR). These are 12+3 factor principles for modern cloud-native apps, where 3 important principles are recent additions. We call it beyond 12-factor principles. One codebase, one application: A single code repo for a single responsibility should exist. Every microservice should have its code repo.API first: New cloud-native app development should start by designing API first.Dependency management: Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies. All dependencies should be declared without implicit reliance on system tools or libraries. Design, build, release, and run: The delivery pipeline should strictly consist of build, release, and run. Configuration, credentials, and code: Configuration that varies between deployments should be stored in the environment.Logs: Applications should produce logs as event streams and leave the execution environment to aggregate.Disposability: Fast startup and shutdown are advocated for a more robust and resilient system.Backing services: All backing services are treated as attached resources and attached and detached by the execution environment.Environment parity: All environments should be as similar as possible.Administrative processes: Any needed admin tasks should be kept in source control and packaged with the application.Port binding: Self-contained services should make themselves available to other services by specified ports.Stateless processes: Applications should be deployed as one or more stateless processes with persisted data stored on a backing service.Concurrency: Concurrency is advocated by scaling individual processes.Telemetry: Add observability and monitoring.Authentication and authorization (A&A): Provide proper IAM support for user and application to application security.
Micro-Frontends DesignIt’s a frontend application architecture where a big UI app is decomposed into smaller UI apps developed by separate dev teams. These micro UI apps can be deployed and managed independently. They can also be divided based on business use cases.
WebAssembly (Wasm)It’s a next-generation UI platform. It’s an enhancement over Java script, which makes Java script code compilation faster and better performance; both are companions as of now. It’s a binary instruction format, which is lighter to compile and understandable by browser. It also has a lighter payload to perform faster on web browsers. 
Modern DatabasesIn the past, we only had traditional SQL databases as our option. But today, we have a wide variety of modern databases such as NoSQL, which are suitable for various purposes. Additionally, there are numerous companies, both in the public cloud sector and as independent software providers, that offer Database as a Service (DBaaS) through Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms. This means they make databases available to applications through APIs, and they handle the management of these databases on their cloud infrastructure, offering them to clients through subscription-based services.
Event-Driven DesignIt’s a backend application architecture where a small application is developed as a collection of services based on a specific business domain (usually derived by DDD). It provides a framework/guidelines to develop, deploy, and manage cloud-native apps.
Distributed Caching DesignIt’s the latest de facto standard for microservices communications. In this design, microservices connect with each other using a message broker on every event. Microservices can publish/consume messages to topics. It’s an asynchronous way of communication, which provides a lot of benefits like agility, high transactions, high availability,cut costs, reliability, and decoupling.

2.   Modern Infrastructure/DevOps – CI/CD

ComponentsBusiness Value/ROI
DevSecOpsIt’s an advanced DevOps concept for development, security, and operations. It provides tools and practices to secure data, code, and containers during the CI/CD process. It covers scanning source code for vulnerabilities, early threat/malware detection/prevention, security design audit review, static code analysis, container docker image, payload, database security, etc.  
Immutable InfrastructureThis kind of infra is never modified once it’s deployed on the cloud. A new infra has to be deployed for any new change, and the older one must be retired. It reduces operational complexities, debugging time and improves security. No patching or backward compatibility is needed.
Service MeshIt’s a dedicated infra layer that controls and manages cross-cutting concerns out of the box like service discovery, API tracing, observability, microservices internal east-west communication, circuit-breaker/failure recovery, load balancing, traffic management, mTLS payload security, A&A, etc. It helps to move/extract cross-cutting configurations from business logic source code. It also moves the responsibility of common configurations from the business code developer to the DevOps developer/team.
Declarative API (IaaC)It’s a very powerful modern way of managing infra as a code. It’s a desired state system automatically managed by the DevOps system. We need to tell the system,” Please make sure that the state I provide will be there,” without manual intervention. It’s an intelligent way of managing infra by Kubernetes and Terraform apps.
Platform as a Service (PaaS)It’s a cloud computing model that provides a ready-made development platform on top of infrastructure to write direct code and deploy without an understanding of cloud-config complexities for the developer. It gives a developer-friendly environment to build and deploy code on the cloud without any help from the DevOps team. It improves developer productivity.

3.   Build & Deployment Model

ComponentsBusiness Value/ROI
ServerlessIt’s a pure cloud-native development model which provides ready-to-use infra on-demand for app deployment. It saves a lot of costs because it is a spin-up based on on-demand events. Cloud providers manage the infra of serverless servers. They automatically scale up/down based on traffic usage. It works on an event-driven model.
GitOpsAn infra-operational framework where the Git source code repository is integrated with CI/CD DevOps pipeline. It automatically triggers when any commit change happens in the Git repo. It provides many benefits like security, compliance, lesser complexity to create/update Kubernetes config script, improved developer productivity, automation, reliability, and faster development. It provides a self-managed declarative infrastructure.

4.   Cloud Observability

ComponentsBusiness Value/ROI
TracingIt tracks microservices API interactions and shows interaction and response time with request and response data. It also helps to find out the performance of primary API and buggy API. Apps send app usage metrics details, which APM and other observability tools read. Those tools visualize, generate reports, and send preventive notifications.
Performance MonitoringApplication monitoring measures application performance, availability, and user experience and uses this data to identify and resolve application issues before they impact customers. APM and performance testing tools do it. Infra can be scaled based on SLA or API based on these reports.

5.   4C’s of Cloud Security

ComponentsBusiness Value/ROI
Container SecurityThis practice ensures that the container where the app is deployed is also secured. It’s a policy to secure potential security vulnerabilities. Container security tools usually protect it. 
Cluster SecurityPractice to secure container orchestration cluster components and apps running on that cluster.
Cloud SecurityIt comprises the security of data center and availability zones servers in cloud environments. If the Cloud layer is vulnerable (or configured in a vulnerable way), then there is no guarantee that the components built on top of this base are secure. Public service providers have a lot of security services like DDOS.
Container Image SecurityDocker images are stored in container repositories. These images must be scanned for any security vulnerabilities. Many tools are available with container repo which continuously scan updated images.
Endpoint SecurityIt’s a cyber security approach to defend end-consuming endpoints such as laptops, desktops, and mobile devices. An endpoint is any device that connects to the corporate network from outside its firewall. An endpoint security strategy is essential because every remote endpoint can be the entry point for an attack, and the number of endpoints is only increasing with the rapid pandemic-related shift to remote work.

6.   Cloud Platforms

ComponentsBusiness Value/ROI
PrivateIt’s managed by either on-prem (inside organization) or private instances isolated with physical secure boundaries on public cloud service providers.
PublicThese physical servers are shared with multi-tenants/organizations, provided mainly by the third-party vendor as a SaaS solution.
HybridIt’s a combination of private and public clouds. Sometimes, organizations keep their databases and other secure information on-prem and host applications and other services on the public cloud. It’s the most sustainable model for cloud migration. Most of the organizations, around 65%, prefer hybrid models. Public cloud service providers provide hybrid cloud orchestration tools to manage multi-cloud. Sometimes, when many public clouds are combined, they are also called hybrid clouds.

7.   Automation

ComponentsBusiness Value/ROI
BDDBehavioral Driven Design framework is based on a given-when-then model. It mainly focuses on the behavior of the product and user acceptance criteria. It provides simple English like the Gherkin language.
Chaos EngineeringIt’s a method of testing distributed microservices/micro-front-end apps deployed on a cloud that deliberately introduces failure and faulty scenarios to verify its resilience in the face of random disruptions. These disruptions can cause applications to respond unpredictably and break under pressure. Chaos engineers detect those issues. It’s a must for any true cloud-native app.


Every application has different types and needs. The cloud-native definition is different for other apps and organizations. This same “Seven model” can’t fit on all cloud-native applications architecture. They are sometimes driven by business units, technology compliance, cost, and operational overhead.


Demystified Service Mesh Capabilities for Developers

Service Meshes have been gaining a lot of popularity lately, more so amongst Spring and Java developers who wish to address cross-cutting concerns. But, are you wondering what exactly are Service Meshes? What are some of the popular types out there? And most importantly, what kind of problems do they actually solve? Well, look no further! This blog is here to provide you with the answers you seek.

What is a Service Mesh?

A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer that helps manage communication between the various microservices within a distributed application. It acts as a transparent and decentralized network of proxies that are deployed alongside the application services. These proxies, often referred to as sidecars, handle service-to-service communication, providing essential features such as service discovery, load balancing, traffic routing, authentication, and observability.

By abstracting away the complexity of network communication, a service mesh enables developers to focus on application logic rather than dealing with the intricacies of networking code. It provides a consistent and flexible way to handle cross-service communication and allows for the implementation of advanced traffic management strategies, security policies, and observability mechanisms.

They provide a standardized approach to managing microservices communication, making it easier to monitor, secure, and control traffic within complex distributed systems.

Components of a Service Mesh

Service mesh architecture typically involves the following components and their interactions:

Data Plane: The data plane refers to a network of sidecar proxies deployed along with each service instance, so that it can communicate with the other services in the system. It acts as an intermediary between the service and the rest of the network. Sidecar proxies handle inbound and outbound traffic, intercepting communication and providing additional features.

  1. Sidecar: It’s based on Envoy proxy. It’s another container which runs in the same Kubernetes POD and takes care of all cross-cutting concerns. It’s based on the sidecar container design pattern.
  2. Application Traffic: Microservices connect through other microservices using sidecar containers. Application traffic is basically communication between Envoy sidecar proxy containers.
  3. Namespace: It’s an isolated space on a Kubernetes POD where the both containers (sidecar and microservices app) run in parallel.

Control Plane: The control plane is the centralized management and configuration layer of the service mesh. It is responsible for controlling and coordinating the behavior of the sidecar proxies. It provides a control plane API that allows administrators to configure policies, rules, and settings for traffic management, security, and observability.

  1. API Endpoints: API endpoints are the entry points through which services within the mesh can communicate with each other
  2. Controllers: A controller is a component responsible for managing and controlling the behavior of the mesh. It is typically a software component that monitors the state and health of services, configures traffic routing and load balancing rules, enforces security policies, and handles other aspects of service-to-service communication within the mesh.
  3. Service Discovery: Service discovery is an essential component in service mesh architecture. It enables services to dynamically locate and connect with each other without hard-coded addresses.
  4. Certificate Authority: It provides and manages root and intermediate certificates and performs certificate signing operations. 

Application Microservices: These are the individual services or microservices that make up the application. They are responsible for handling specific functions or tasks.

Use Case: E-commerce Application

Consider an e-commerce application use case, a service mesh would help manage the complex network of microservices responsible for different functions, such as inventory management, order processing, payment processing, and shipping. 

  • The sidecar proxies would handle load balancing, ensuring that traffic is distributed efficiently across multiple instances of each service.
  • Additionally, the service mesh would provide secure communication between services by enforcing encryption and authentication using TLS. This would help protect sensitive customer information during transmission and prevent unauthorized access to critical services.
  • Traffic management features would allow operators to control and monitor the flow of requests, enabling them to perform tasks like routing certain requests to a newer version of a service for testing purposes or limiting the rate of incoming requests to prevent overloading.
  • The observability and monitoring capabilities of the service mesh would provide operators with real-time insights into the application’s performance, enabling them to identify and resolve issues promptly.
  • They could analyze metrics, logs, and traces to optimize the application’s performance, troubleshoot problems, and ensure a smooth customer experience.

Overall, a service mesh simplifies the management and enhances the resilience, security, and observability of a distributed application, making it an essential component in modern microservices architectures.

What problems do Service Meshes solve?

Service mesh solves several problems in the context of modern application architectures. Here are some of the key problems that service mesh addresses:

  1. Service-to-service communication: In a microservices architecture, applications are composed of multiple independent services that need to communicate with each other. Service mesh provides a dedicated infrastructure layer to handle service-to-service communication, making it easier to manage and secure these interactions.
  2. Service discovery and load balancing: As the number of services increases, it becomes challenging to keep track of their locations and distribute traffic efficiently. Service mesh offers service discovery and load balancing capabilities, allowing services to discover and connect to each other dynamically while automatically distributing the traffic load across multiple instances.
  3. Traffic management and routing: Service mesh enables sophisticated traffic management and routing features, such as request routing based on service version, path, headers, or other attributes. It allows for traffic shifting, canary deployments, and A/B testing, empowering teams to implement complex deployment strategies with ease.
  4. Resilience and fault tolerance: Service mesh provides mechanisms for implementing resilience and fault tolerance patterns, such as retries, timeouts, circuit breaking, and load shedding. These features help services handle failures gracefully, isolate issues, and prevent cascading failures across the system.
  5. Observability and Debugging: Service mesh provides developers with powerful observability features such as distributed tracing, metrics collection, and logging. These capabilities help developers gain insights into the behavior and performance of their services, allowing them to debug issues, trace requests across service boundaries, and optimize the performance of their applications.
  6. Security and authentication: Service mesh strengthens the security of microservices architectures by providing features like transport-level encryption (TLS), mutual authentication, and authorization policies. It allows for fine-grained access control and identity management, enhancing the overall security posture of the system.
  7. Tight coupling of source code: Cloud configuration always comes with tight coupling with business logic source code, which makes it code-heavy to manage and debug for any code issues. This can make the process of adding new business features, inserting additional code, and resolving issues a cumbersome task. However, adopting a service mesh architecture allows for the segregation of cross-cutting concerns from the business logic source code. By employing this approach, the service mesh effectively handles all application configurations independently through the collaboration of DevOps platform/infrastructure teams.
  8. Testing overhead of cross-cutting configuration concerns: Testing new features, during integration, regression, and load testing for feature releases, necessitates additional testing effort. It is crucial to test the entire codebase, including the cross-cutting configuration code, even for minor changes in the business logic. By adopting a service mesh approach, the business logic code becomes more concise and streamlined, resulting in easier and faster testing. Furthermore, developers find it simpler to write fewer JUnit and integration test cases.
  9. Application performance issue: When business logic and cross-cutting configuration are combined, they need extra time to load, deploy, and run on app containers. It consumes extra CPU and RAM for even business-specific API calls, which can cause performance issues. In contrast, a service mesh utilizes a separate side-car container dedicated to running the cross-cutting concerns configuration code. This alleviates the load on the main application container, resulting in improved app performance. By running only the streamlined application business logic, the performance is enhanced.

What key features should you look for when selecting a Service Mesh?

  • Connect Kubernetes clusters: It provides connectivity between two or more Kubernetes clusters if it’s used with hybrid cloud technologies like Google Anthos, Azure Arc, AWS Outpost, VMware Tanzu Mission Control (TMC), etc. It could spread across on-premises, private, and public cloud providers.
  • Service discovery with the Ingress Controller and Ingress resources: It provides dynamic service discovery and routing to distributed microservice REST APIs across K8s clusters on multiple clouds with different dynamic IP addresses. It exposes the service by its service name through the Ingress Controller and Ingress resources, which can be used by any client or consumer. The ingress resource provides routing details to various services, and the ingress controller routes incoming requests to the API using the ingress resource.
  • Circuit breaker resiliency: A circuit breaker provides a retry mechanism if dependent services are not responding to the first attempt. A service mesh provides a powerful feature of the circuit breaker when a dependent service does not respond within a given ETA. Because of this, microservices are more resilient to downtime since a service mesh can reroute requests away from failed services using this mechanism.
  • API Tracing between microservices: It provides the API Tracing (API to API interactions) feature of microservices, which traces request and response interaction logs. This tracing helps improve the performance of API and SLA. It helps developers debug and diagnose bugs.
  • Observability: It provides a powerful mechanism to check application health and infra resources like CPU and memory usage. Also, it collects application performance matrices and visualizes them on the web dashboard. Performance metrics can suggest ways to optimize communication in the runtime environment. Also, monitor infrastructure and application monitoring.
  • Data Payload Security: It provides data encryption in transit between microservice API communications by applying two-way strong mTLS security encryption technology.
  • API Rate Limiting: It provides a mechanism to restrict the number of backend API calls and prevent distributed denial-of-service (DOS/DDOS) attackers where thousands or even millions of requests hit backend APIs randomly and crash the entire backend software system and infrastructure.
  • Load balancing: It provides load balancing by using its in-built ingress controller mechanism to expose microservices on Kubernetes clusters as external services exposed through the ingress controller load balancer. Ingress control can map and route client requests to distributed microservices based on ingress resources.

Popular Service Meshes

Istio (OSS)

Istio is an open-source service mesh platform that provides a set of tools and capabilities for managing and securing microservices-based applications. It aims to address common challenges associated with service-to-service communication, observability, security, and traffic management in complex distributed systems. At its core, Istio deploys a sidecar proxy, called Envoy, alongside each microservice in the application. This sidecar proxy intercepts and manages all inbound and outbound traffic for the service, allowing Istio to control and monitor the communication between services.


  • Istio boasts one of the largest communities for online service mesh and is highly acclaimed and discussed on the internet. Its GitHub contributors far outnumber those of Linkerd by a significant margin. 
  • Furthermore, it offers support for both Kubernetes and VM modes.


  • Istio comes with a cost as it is not available for free. It demands a considerable time investment in terms of reading the documentation, setting it up, ensuring proper functionality, and ongoing maintenance. 
  • The implementation and integration of Istio into production can range from several weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the infrastructure.
  • Using Istio requires a significant amount of resource overhead. 
  • Unlike Linkerd, it lacks a built-in administrative dashboard. 
  • Additionally, Istio mandates the use of its own ingress gateway. 
  • The Istio control plane is exclusively supported within Kubernetes containers, meaning there is no VM mode available for the Istio data plane.


Linkerd is an open-source service mesh platform designed to provide observability, reliability, and security to microservices architectures. It is developed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and focuses on simplicity, performance, and ease of use.


  • Linkerd leverages the expertise of its creators, who are former Twitter engineers with experience in developing the internal tool, Finagle. They gained valuable insights from working on Linkerd v1, which contributes to the refinement of the service mesh. 
  • Being one of the pioneering service meshes, Linkerd enjoys an active and vibrant community, boasting more than 5,000 users on Slack, along with an engaged mailing list and Discord server. 
  • The availability of comprehensive documentation and tutorials further enhances its appeal.
  • Linkerd has reached a level of maturity with the release of version 2.9, which is evident from its adoption by prominent corporations such as Nordstrom, eBay, Strava, Expedia, and Subspace. 
  • Additionally, Linkerd offers paid enterprise-grade support through Buoyant, ensuring professional assistance is readily available.


  • Using Linkerd service meshes to their full potential requires a significant learning curve. It is important to note that Linkerd is exclusively supported within Kubernetes containers and does not offer a VM-based or “universal” mode. 
  • Unlike Envoy, the Linkerd sidecar proxy differs, providing Buoyant the flexibility to optimize it according to their requirements. However, this customization comes at the expense of losing the inherent extensibility offered by Envoy. 
  • Consequently, Linkerd lacks support for essential features such as circuit breaking, delay injection, and rate limiting. Additionally, there is no straightforward API exposed for easy control of the Linkerd control plane, although a gRPC API binding can be found.

In case you wish to read more about the above service meshes comparison and what more they have to offer, you can read all about it here.

That’s not it, there many many options in the market for you to choose from like:


Service mesh technology is a boon for developers. It increases developer productivity by delegating cross-cutting concerns from application source code to in-house DevSecOps. Service Mesh provides a ton of more features to solve developer challenges and increase developer productivity. It’s now a de facto standard for managing cross-cutting configuration code for cloud-native microservice apps on Kubernetes.

Kubernetes alternatives to Spring Java framework

Spring Cloud and Kubernetes both complement each other to build a cloud-native platform and run microservices on the Kubernetes containers. Kubernetes provides many features which are similar to Spring Cloud and Spring Config Server features.

Spring framework has been around for many years. Even today, many organizations prefer to go with Spring because it provides many advanced features with simple ready-to-use libraries. It’s a great deal when Spring developers will only take care of business logic source code and configuration code is managed by DevOps/DevSecOps operation teams or automated CI/CD tools.

Important Note about Netflix OSS: Starting from the Spring Cloud Greenwich release Train, Netflix OSS, Hystrix, Ribbon, and Zuul are entering into maintenance mode and are now deprecated. This means that there won’t be any new features added to these modules, and the Spring Cloud team will only fix bugs and security issues. The maintenance mode does not include the Eureka module. Spring provides regular releases and patches for its libraries; however, Netflix OSS is almost not active and is not being used by organizations.

Let’s discuss a couple of challenges of cloud configuration code with Spring Cloud and Spring Config Server for microservices architecture:

  • Tight coupling of business logic and configuration source code: Spring configuration provides tight coupling with business logic code, which makes the code-heavy and also makes it difficult to debug production issues. It slows down releases for new business features due to the tight integration of business logic with cross-cutting configuration source code.
  • Extra coding and testing effort: For new feature releases one extra testing effort is required to test new features mainly during integration, regression, and load testing. We need to test the entire code with cross-cutting configurations even for minor code changes in the business logic.
  • Slow build and deployment: It takes extra time to load, deploy, and run heavy code because of the strong bonding of configuration and business logic. It consumes extra CPU and RAM for all business-specific API calls.

Spring doesn’t provide these important features:

  • Continuous Integration (CI): It doesn’t address any CI-related concerns. It only handles the build microservices part.
  • Self-healing of infrastructure: It doesn’t care about self-healing and restarting apps for any crashes. It provides health check APIs and observability features using actuator/micrometer support with Prometheus.
  • Dependency on Java framework: It only supports Java programming language.

Kubernetes alternatives of Spring Cloud

Here are a few better alternatives of Kubernetes for Spring libraries:

Spring CloudKubernetes
Service discoveryK8s provides Cluster API, a service that exposes microservices across all namespaces since “kube-dns” allows lookup. It also provides integration with the ingress controller and K8s ingress resources to intelligently route incoming traffic to designated service.K8s provides ConfigMap and secret to externalize configuration at the infra side natively which is maintained by the DevOps team.
Load balancingNetflix Ribbon provides client-side load balancing on HTTP/TCP requests.K8s provides load balancer services. It’s the responsibility of K8s service to load balance.
Configuration managementSpring Config Server externalizes configuration management through code configuration.K8s services and ingress resources fulfill partial API gateways features like routing and load balancing. K8s supports service mesh architecture implementation tools like Istio, which provides most of the API gateway-related features like service discovery, and API tracing. It’s not a replacement for the external API gateway.
API GatewaySpring Cloud Gateway and Zuul2 provide all API gateway features like request routing, caching, authentication, authorization, API level load balancing, rate limiting, circuit breaker, and so on.K8s provides the same features with health checks, resource isolation, and service mesh.
Resilience and fault toleranceSpring Boot Admin supports scaling and self-healing of applications. It’s used for managing and monitoring Spring Boot applications. Each application is considered a client and registers to the admin server. Spring Boot Actuator endpoints help to monitor the environment.Resilence4j, and Spring Retry projects provide resiliency and fault tolerance mechanisms. They provide circuit breaker, timeout, and retry features.
Scaling and self-healingSpring Batch, Spring Cloud Task, and Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCDF) have capabilities to schedule/on-demand and run batch jobs. Spring tasks can run short-living jobs. A short-lived task could be a Java process or a shell script.Netflix Eureka. Not recommended to use for cloud-native modern applications.
Batch jobsSpring Batch, Spring Cloud Task, and Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCDF) have capabilities to schedule/on-demand and run batch jobs. Spring tasks can run short-living jobs. A short-lived task could be a Java process, a shell script.K8s also provides scheduled Cron job features. It executes batch jobs and provides limited scheduling features. It also works together with Spring Batch.


Spring provides tons of features and has had a proven Java-based framework for many years! Kubernetes provides complimentary features which are comparable with Spring features and can be replaced to extract configuration code from the business logic. Cloud-native microservices’ service architecture (MSA) and 12/15 factor principles recommend keeping cross-cutting configuration code outside of the business logic code. Configuration should be stored and managed separately. In MSA, the same configuration can be shared across many microservices, that’s why configuration should be stored externally and be available for all microservices applications. Also, these configurations should be managed by DevOps teams.

This helps developers to focus only on business logic programming. It will definitely make release faster with lower development costs. Also, building and deployment will be faster for microservices apps. Kubernetes provides better alternatives to replace these legacy Spring libraries features, many of them are deprecated or in the maintenance phase. Kubernetes also provides Service Mesh support.

These Kubernetes alternatives are really helpful for microservices applications and complimentary to the Spring Java framework for microservices development!

My first book release!! Cloud Native Microservices with Spring and Kubernetes (453 pages)

I am happy to announce release of my first book “Cloud Native Microservices with Spring and Kubernetes” with BPB Publications!! It’s all about design, build and deploy scalable cloud native microservices on container using the Spring framework and Kubernetes. Need your support! Please buy and review this book on Amazon. Also, share book detail with your IT software engineers colleagues and friends.

The main objective of this book is to give an overview of cloud-native microservices, their architecture, design patterns, best practices, use cases, and practical coverage of modern applications. This book covers a strong understanding of microservices, API first approach, Testing, Observability, API Gateway, Service Mesh, and Kubernetes alternatives of Spring Cloud. This book covers the implementation of various design patterns of developing cloud native microservices using Spring framework, docker and Kubernetes. It also covers containerization concepts and hands-on code exercises.

After reading this book, the readers will have a holistic understanding of building, running, and managing cloud native microservices applications on Kubernetes containers.

It’s the first book on this subject in India by any Indian writer, which is also economical than foreign publications. This book is about learning of software application design and development using Microservices, Spring and Kubernetes based technologies. It’s useful for software developers, cloud engineers, DevOps and technical architects.

Available on:

This book is available in paperback and Kindle (eBook on free Kindle app on Android/iOS/Laptop/Desktop) editions on amazon and BPB in most of the countries of North America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.

Refer free preview and TOC/Index of this book:

What you will learn:

  • Learn fundamentals of microservice and design patterns.
  • Perform end-to-end microservices testing using Cucumber.
  • Learn microservices development using Spring Boot and Kubernetes.
  • Learn to develop reactive, event-driven, and batch microservices.
  • Perform end-to-end microservices testing using Cucumber.
  • Implement API gateway, authentication & authorization, load balancing, caching, and rate limiting.
  • Learn observability and monitoring techniques of microservices

Who this book is for:
This book is for the Spring Developers, Microservice Developers, Cloud Engineers, DevOps Consultants, Technical Architect and Solution Architects.

Table of Contents (Chapters):
1. Overview of Cloud Native microservices
2. Microservice design patterns
3. API first approach
4. Build microservices using the Spring Framework
5. Batch microservices
6. Build reactive and event-driven microservices
7. The API gateway, security, and distributed caching with Redis
8. Microservices testing and API mocking
9. Microservices observability
10. Containers and Kubernetes overview and architecture
11. Run microservices on Kubernetes
12. Service Mesh and Kubernetes alternatives of Spring Cloud


  • Complete coverage on how to design, build, run, and deploy modern cloud native microservices.
  • Includes numerous sample code exercises on microservices, Spring and Kubernetes.
  • Develop a stronghold on Kubernetes, Spring, and the microservices architecture.
  • Complete guide of application containerization on Kubernetes containers.
  • Coverage on managing modern applications and infrastructure using observability tools.

Chapter 1: Overview of Cloud Native microservices, introduces cloud native modern applications, cloud first overview, benefits, types of clouds, classification, and the need for cloud native modern applications. It will cover detailed microservices (MSA ) overview, characteristics, motivations, benefits, best practices, architecture principles, challenges and solutions, application modernization spectrum, twelve-factor apps, and beyond twelve-factor apps.s

Chapter 2: Microservice design patterns, introduces various microservices design patterns with use cases, advantages, and disadvantages.

Chapter 3: API first approach, discusses fundamentals of the API first approach. It discusses details of the REST overview, API model, best practices, design principles, components, security, communication protocols, and how to document dynamically with OpenAPI Swagger. It discusses API design planning, specifications, API management tools, and testing API with SwaggerHub inspector and PostMan REST client.

Chapter 4: Build microservices using the Spring Framework, is a key chapter of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud components with hands-on lab exercises. It will cover steps to build microservice using the REST API framework. It covers the Spring Cloud config server and resiliency of microservices practical aspects.

Chapter 5: Batch microservices, introduces batch microservices, use cases, Spring Cloud Task, and Spring Batch. It discusses hands-on lab exercises using Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCDF) and Kafka. It also discusses a few Spring batch practices, auto-scaling techniques, batch orchestration, and compositions methods for sequential or parallel batch processing. Last but not the least; it talks about alerts and monitoring of Spring Cloud Task and Spring Batch.

Chapter 6:  Build reactive and event-driven microservices, describes building of reactive microservices, non-blocking synchronous APIs, and event-driven asynchronous microservices. It covers steps to develop sample reactive microservices with Spring’s project Reactor, Spring WebFlux, and event-driven asynchronous microservices. It discusses Spring Cloud Stream, Zookeeper, SpringBoot, and overview of Kafka. It also covers hands-on lab exercises of event-driven asynchronous microservices using Spring Cloud Stream and Kafka.

Chapter 7:  API gateway, security, and distributed caching with Redis, introduces the API Gateway overview, features, advantages, and best practices. It covers hands-on lab exercises to expose REST APIs of microservices externally with the Spring Cloud Gateway. It covers distributed caching overview and hands-on lab exercises using Redis. It discusses API gateway rate limiting and Implementation of API gateway rate limiting with Redis and Spring Boot. Last but not the least, it covers best practices of API Security. Implementation of SSO using Spring Cloud Gateway, Spring Security, Oauth2, Keycloak, OpenId, and JWT tokens.

Chapter 8: Microservices testing and API mocking, describes important aspects of microservices testing practices, challenges, benefits, testing strategy, testing pyramid, and different types of microservices testing. It covers implementation of the integration testing framework using Behavioral Driven Development (BDD) with hands-on code examples. It also discusses microservices testing tools and best practices of microservices testing. It covers the role of testing in the microservices CI/CD pipeline. Last but not the least; it talks about API mocking and hands-on lab implementation with the WireMock framework.

Chapter 9: Microservices observability, covers detail observability and monitoring overview and techniques of microservices with the Spring actuator, micrometer health APIs, and Wavefront APM. It covers application logging overview, best practices, simple logging, and log aggregation of distributed microservices with implementation using Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK) on the Kubernetes container. It discusses the need of APM performance and telemetry monitoring tools for distributed microservices and how to trace multiple microservices in a distributed environment. It also covers hands-on lab implementation of monitoring microservices with Prometheus and Grafana.

Chapter 10: Containers and Kubernetes overview and architecture, is a key chapter which introduces containers, docker, docker engine containerization, Buildpacks, components of docker files, build docker files, run docker files, and inspect docker images. It covers docker image registry and how to persist docker images in image container registries. It covers an overview of Kubernetes, need, and architecture. Last but not the least; it covers a detailed introduction of Kubernetes resources.

Chapter 11: Run microservices on Kubernetes, discusses practical aspects of Kubernetes, installation, and configuration with monitoring and visualization tools with Octant and Proxy. It discusses how to create and manage Kubernetes clusters in detail. It discusses hands-on exercises of creating docker images of Java microservices, pushing it to the Docker hub container image registry, and deploying to Kubernetes clusters. It covers hands-on lab examples of exposing API endpoints of microservices outside the Kubernetes cluster by using the Nginx ingress controller. Last but not the least; it covers various popular and useful Kubernetes application deployment and configuration of management tools.

Chapter 12: Service Mesh and Kubernetes alternatives of Spring Cloud, covers a detailed overview and benefits of GitOps and Service Mesh. It covers the Istio Service Mesh architecture and deployment of microservices on Kubernetes with Argo CD. Last but not the least; it discusses various Kubernetes alternatives of Spring Cloud projects and popular cloud buzzwords!

About the Author
Rajiv Srivastava is the founder of, which is a cloud native modern application tech blog site. He is a cloud solution architect and modern application specialist with 17+ years of work experience in software development and architectural design.


1.      Spring framework

2.      API first approach

3.      Cloud Native

4.      Microservices observability

5.      API testing

6.      API gateway

7.      Microservices observability

8.      Service mesh

9.      API gateway

10.    Redis distributed caching

11.    Kafka

12.    Spring Cloud

13.    Service discovery

14.    Spring cloud data flow

15.    Ingress controller

A quick introduction of Cluster API

In this blog we will understand how multi Kubernetes clusters can be managed and orchestrated using the Cluster API  control plane tool.

Cluster API

It’s a sub-project of Kubernetes which works on declarative API and provides support for CRD (Custom Resource Definition), which manages K8s and VMs based on CRD configuration. Cluster API always checks current K8s clusters on worker nodes status and compares them with desired state which is provided by DevOps team using CRD config files. It provides provisioning of multiple K8s clusters which could be spread to multiple nodes/hosts. It extends the functionality of K8s for multi-node cluster management with Kubeadm API.

Cluster API orchestrates  and manages the lifecycle of worker nodes where K8s clusters are provisioned. Also, manages multiple K8s clusters upgrades, failover, rollback etc.

Tip: Cluster API manages K8s clusters of multi-cloud including on-prem and hybrid.

Started by the Kubernetes Special Interest Group (SIG) Cluster Lifecycle, the Cluster API project uses Kubernetes style APIs and patterns to automate cluster lifecycle management.

Refer Cluster API docs here:

Cluster API cluster management reference architecture

These are important components of Cluster API:

Infrastructure provider

Basic hardware infrastructure providers such as Vmware, public infra providers such as AWS, GCP, Azure etc.

Bootstrap provider

It’s also called Cluster API bootstrap provider Kubeadm (CABPK). It generates cluster certificates, initialize/bootstrap control planes. It turns the Machine into a K8s Node. It uses the Kubeadm tool.


It manages the lifecycle of K8s clusters on multiple nodes. Kubeadm is a tool built to provide best-practice “fast paths” for creating Kubernetes clusters. It performs the actions necessary to get a minimum viable, secure cluster up and running in a user friendly way.


Control plane

Control plane is a set of services which manages multiple K8s clusters and scale on production environments. It manages and provisioned dedicated machines/VMs, running static pods for components such as kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler.

The default provider uses kubeadm to bootstrap the control plane.

Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)

It’s a set of K8s YAML configuration files which maintain desired K8s cluster state. It can be persisted on Git server for platform automation for Cluster API based K8s clusters.


It defines configuration of machines like VM etc. It’s a declarative spec for an infrastructure component hosting a Kubernetes Node. It’s like POD on K8s.


It provides declarative updates for Machines and MachineSets.


It maintains a stable set of Machines running at any given time. It’s like a ReplicaSet of K8s.


It defines the conditions when a Node should be considered unhealthy. If the Node has any unhealthy conditions for a given user-configured time, the MachineHealthCheck initiates remediation of the Node. Remediation of Nodes is performed by deleting the corresponding Machine and creating a new one like ReplicaSet. It always maintains the same set of Machine configuration which has been provided in the CRD file.


It contains the Machine or Node role-specific initialization data (usually cloud-init) used by the Infrastructure Provider to bootstrap a Machine into a Node.